Press Release

Senator Min Condemns Attack on LGBTQ Pride Flag Display at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Irvine

(IRVINE, CA) – Today, Senator Dave Min (D-Irvine) issued the following statement condemning the recent vandalism at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Irvine, California. The church’s LGBTQ Pride Flag was reportedly stolen early Monday morning.

“I am deeply disappointed by the hateful act against St. Andrew’s LGBTQ Pride Flag display. The Pride flag is a powerful symbol of inclusion and one that sends a powerful message to the St. Andrew’s congregation that LGBTQ families are both respected and cherished.

Let me be clear: this is not who we are.

At a time when anti-LGBTQ hate is on the rise, especially against kids in our local schools, we all have a responsibility to forcefully condemn this hateful incident and any who would praise it.”

St. Andrew’s has displayed the flag since the beginning of June to celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month. The display was accompanied by the statement, “This church is a safe place and we help to show that with the Pride flag on our building. All are welcome, regardless of where they are on their journey of faith.”

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